

The history of New College goes back to the late 1950s when, at the behest of the local Chamber of Commerce, 市民们联合起来创建了一所当地大学,以补充这座不断发展的城市的艺术博物馆, 交响乐团和剧院. 这所私立的网赌平台网站是由一群教育工作者设计的,他们相信思想的力量,希望将学生和教师从一成不变的课程以及对学分和GPA的关注中解放出来.

These founders were half a century ahead of their time in promoting “active, hands-on-learning” to achieve “competence” and “real mastery.” The concepts of New College’s educational philosophy, 菲利普·希斯随着时间的推移发展出来的, 约翰Gustad, John Elmendorf and Douglas Berggren, appealed to the very best students across the country. 这就是网赌平台网站在学术界的独特地位,《赌城平台网站》杂志专门用了一整版的文章来介绍1967年的新生.



Read some of our New College stories and be amazed, 感兴趣, inspired and motivated to create some of your own.

荣誉 & 赞誉

We’ve accomplished quite a bit in a little over a half-century.


  • 10月. 11, 1960: New College is founded as a private college.
  • 1961年:受托人获得了购买萨拉索塔湾前查尔斯·林林庄园和12英亩机场用地的选择权.S. 由私人持有. The two pieces form the heart of the campus.
  • 11月. 1962年8月18日:赌城平台网站落成. 哈佛的泥土和网赌平台网站的泥土混合在一起,象征着两所大学共同的崇高理想.
Affectionately known as The Blue Goose, 1964年,当学生宿舍正在建造时,这辆巴士将学生从丽都礁岛的地标酒店运送到网赌平台网站.
  • 1964: Charter class enrolls and graduates in 1967.
  • 1969年:学院采用合同制,强调个性化学习计划的作用, field study and undergraduate research.
  • 1971: Caples Campus is created through a gift of Mr. 和夫人. Ralph Caples; a new environmental studies fund enables New College to conduct applied environmental research, one of the first such programs in the nation.
  • 1975年:网赌平台网站加入州立大学系统,成为南佛罗里达大学的一部分, 和它共用一个赌城平台网站.
  • 1983: Sudakoff Conference Center 打开 on the Pei Campus.
  • 1985: 新书院校友会 形成.
  • 11月.1, 1986: New library is dedicated; two years later it is named in honor of benefactor Jane Bancroft Cook. A $2 million gift establishes New College’s first endowed chair.
  • 1988年:《赌城平台网站》将网赌平台网站列为全美43所“最挑剔”的大学之一.
  • 1990: A new fitness center is constructed on the Pei Campus.
  • 1993: Time magazine’s Money Guide lists New College as the No.2 “Best College Buy” in America; Caples Fine Arts Complex 打开.
  • 1996: Ground is broken for the Betty Isermann Fine Arts Building on Caples campus.
  • 1998: Student Independent Study Project gives rise to the Four Winds Café, a popular student-run coffee house on campus; first season of New Music New College.
  • 1999: Responding to student initiatives, 心理学家戈登·鲍尔在莫特海洋实验室建立了一个海牛研究项目.
  • 2000年:6美元.600万R.V. Heiser Natural Sciences Complex 打开.
  • 2001年:2美元.500万年 Pritzker Marine Biology Research Center 打开.
  • 7月1日, 2001年:网赌平台网站作为州立大学系统的第11个成员获得独立,并被佛罗里达州立法机构指定为“佛罗里达州荣誉学院”.”
  • 2006年:USF萨拉索塔-海牛校区搬迁到一个新的地点,表达了一个大胆的新总体规划, 承保金额为250美元,在国家基金中.
  • 2007: Five new “green” residence halls open on East Campus; all adhere to LEED requirements and feature flat and gabled roofs and floor-to- ceiling windows in their common areas.
  • 2008年:棕榈园重新修复,种植了新的棕榈树,并铺设了纪念砖和铺路石.
  • 2008年:校董会批准2008-2018年策略/学术总体规划“加强学生学习”,作为未来10年学术变化的路线图. 该计划历时7个月,得到了新书院社区的广泛参与.
  • 2010: Hamilton Student Center is renovated, to include the 黑盒子剧院 和游说. 这个灵活的空间可容纳大约75人,并有自己的音响和灯光控制室.
  • 2010年:  公共考古实验室 打开, funded in part by a Federal grant for planning, 设备和工资, 和国家资本基金(PECO). 1,600-square foot facility is ideal for processing and interpreting artifacts, preparing archaeological site reports.
  • 2011: New College celebrates its 50th anniversary (officially 10月. 2010) with a wide array of exciting activities on campus, including one of the most brilliant sunsets ever to be seen on the Bayfront.
  • 2011: The Academic Center, known as ACE, 打开 for classes and faculty offices. 它是几十年来最雄心勃勃的新建筑,因其可持续性被授予LEED金奖. The plaza includes a modern Four Winds sculpture, 自然太阳为中心支点, the sea and the wind felt in gentle and continuously moving lines around the sun.
  • 2011年:第一届学生论文展示发生,这是一个突出学生研究的机会. The Juried Student Art Exhibition in Isermann Gallery becomes an annual event.
  • 2012年:老林陵海堤, constructed in 1925-26 on the Bayfront seawall, is dug out and replaced with stronger and more modern materials, funded by a state allocation of $2.500万年 for the Seawall Restoration Project in 2008. 它的特点是一个美丽的1,沿着萨拉索塔湾(萨拉索塔 Bay)有1000英尺高的栏杆,还有一条灯火通明的铺砌广场,周围是低矮的, 弯曲的席位. 修复还包括一个带倾斜海岸线的潮间带泻湖和额外的潮间带栖息地. An open-air classroom has been added at the north end.
  • 2012: Dr. Donal O’Shea becomes the College’s fifth president.
The bell tower is dedicated in 2013.
  • 2013: At President O’Shea’s inauguration in February, a new bell tower in front of the library is dedicated, 以400美元的礼物作为担保,000 from 萨拉索塔 philanthropist Beverly Koski. 因为它有力, 螺旋, 升流, the tower wins a Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Design Award.
  • 2013: The largest number of New College undergraduates – 197—receive their degrees. (To date, there have been 5,801 Bachelor of Arts recipients).
  • 2013年:与生命女儿基金会(Daughters for 生活 基金会)合作,从2014年秋季开始招收中东妇女, 州内学费.
  • 2014: In July, the College establishes the Center for Engagement and Opportunity,一个多方面的项目,帮助我们的学生将他们的教育与工作世界联系起来. Funded with both recurring and nonrecurring funds, and supported at the start-up by several major donors, the CEO’s staff mentor and coach students on career exploration, 实习和奖学金, connecting them to external corporate and community members. CEO位于赌城平台网站的中心,在库克图书馆,挨着学术中心.
  • 2016年:海洋生物学项目欢迎Limbatus(黑尖鲨)科考船, 这是一艘24英尺长的浮筒船,专为近岸研究和教育项目而设计.
  • 2016年:食物森林碳农场正式在凯普斯校区种植,拥有50多种不同的果树, 可食用的蔬菜, 野花, 淀粉类作物和香料.
  • 2016年:在SACSOS认证后,于2月启动了数据科学硕士课程. The first students are awarded their degrees at Commencement 2017. All seven of the graduates head to excellent jobs in their field, most with the companies for which they interned.
  • 2016年:佛罗里达理事会邀请网赌平台网站向理事会提交一份转型增长计划. 六年以上, 学院计划, approved by both the Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors, 要求学院将学生人数和教师人数增加50%, 到1左右,200 students and 120 tenure-track professors, while maintaining a 10:1 student-faculty ratio.
  • 2017: The C4 Consortium officially changes its name to the 跨学院联盟. 这四所成员学院有一个共同的愿景,那就是建立一个教育网络,为他们的集体扩大和扩大学习机会,000多学生, 加上教职员工. Member colleges are State College of Florida, Ringling College of Art & 设计,赌城平台网站和南佛罗里达大学,萨拉索塔-海牛.
The addition to the Heiser Natural Sciences Complex is completed in 2017.
  • 2017年:秋天, a 22,000-square-foot addition to the Heiser Natural Sciences Center Complex 打开, increasing space by more than 50 percent, sufficient for the current enrollment. 由国家资助,9美元.7 million addition includes biology, chemistry and physics teaching labs, 三个生物学研究实验室, 14个办事处, 一个计算机科学阅览室和一个会议室和教室,可以转换为实验室空间, 如果需要.
  • 2017: New College receives its first performance-based funding ($2.500万年) under the 10 metric model, 基于我们在达到以下指标方面的成功:提高学生保留率, average full-time wages of undergraduates one year after graduation, the number of students graduating in areas of strategic emphasis, 以及学生的成本.
  • 2017年:网赌平台网站获得2美元.100万美元的世界一流学者基金,用于提高我们国家学术地位的举措, including student scholarships and recruiting exemplary faculty.
  • 2017年:学院收到5美元.4 million in recurring funds to implement Phase 1 of the Growth Plan. 第二年的资助, 第二阶段, 已经是BOG 2018-19年预算的优先事项:增长计划的一部分还包括一个新的多功能设施, 估计耗资4200万美元. 新设施的400万美元规划请求是我们2018-19年请求的一部分.
  • 2018: By February 12, eight new faculty members are hired for 2018-19. Seven more, for a total of 15 are projected to be hired for 2018-19.
  • 2021: New College Board of Trustees elects Dr. Patricia Okker as the college’s next president and its first woman president.